A broad overview of marriage from a biblical perspective. What is marriage? Why did God create it? How are husbands and wives to treat each other?
A look at Jesus' inauguration and confirmation to ministry will help you admire him and want to become like him.
Bible Text: Romans 13:1-7 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Romans 12-15 | How are we supposed to treat people who are in governing authority? Does it matter which party…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 3 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Restoration - Nehemiah | Restoration is wonderful when it happens in those areas that we want it to, but it…
Bible Text: Philippians 1:1-11 | Pastor: Kent Tollakson | Series: Philippians | Life doesn't always go the way we want it to and prayers aren't always answered with a "yes."…