God has wonderful plans to use our lives to reveal his glory to the people around us as we live in obedience to him. But what about when we fail…
Why did God send ten plagues on Egypt before delivering the people of Israel? Why didn't he just eliminate Pharaoh right away? Discover the purpose for the plagues and see…
Bible Text: Romans 12:1 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Romans 12-15 | The first sermon in a new sermon series from Romans chapters 12-15 to provide instruction for living…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 5 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Restoration - Nehemiah | Christians are all over the place in how they've responded to the outcry against racial injustice…
Bible Text: Romans 3:9-18 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Advent 2019 | At Christmas, we celebrate the greatest gift that has ever been given. And one of the things…