Bible Text: Nehemiah 2:19-20 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Restoration - Nehemiah | Once you realize how real the spiritual battle is and that we have an enemy that…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 2:9-10 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Restoration - Nehemiah | We can do everything we need to do in our own lives to move forward in…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 3 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Restoration - Nehemiah | Restoration is wonderful when it happens in those areas that we want it to, but it…
Bible Text: Romans 12:4-6 | Pastor: Nathan Olson | God has blessed each of us, broken though we are, with unique gifts and has set before us uniquely wonderful, supernatural…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 2:9-20 | Pastor: Eric Danielson | Series: Restoration - Nehemiah | What are your blind spots? All of us have areas of our lives that we can't…