5 events found.
Survivor in the Dark
Tollakson's 896 105th Avenue, Amery, WIAll middle school and high school students are invited to Survivor in the Dark. Parents are encouraged to come and hang out around the campfire.
CEF 5 Day Club
Amery Intermediate School 543 Minneapolis Avenue, Amery, WIFor kids ages 5 to 12. Free lunch for kids from 11:15 am - 12:30 pm.
CEF 5 Day Club
Amery Intermediate School 543 Minneapolis Avenue, Amery, WIFor kids ages 5 to 12. Free lunch for kids from 11:15 am - 12:30 pm.
Worship Service & Discovery Land
Nursery is provided during the Worship Service for 1-3 year olds. Discovery Land for Kids is available during the Worship Service for ages 4 years - 5th grade.